Life Insurance

My Planned Life Insurance Offers:

Die Too Soon

The Income -Tax Free Death Benefit provides my loved ones with a lump sum of money they can use for anything, including:

  • Burial expenses
  • Debt
  • College

Live Too Long

The guaranteed tax-deferred build up of policy cash value provides me with values that, if sufficiently funded, I can borrow or withdraw – Income-Tax Free – for any purpose, including to:

  • Supplement my retirement income
  • Pledge as collateralI

Become Ill

The Accelerated Benefits Rider allows me to access a portion of my death benefit in the event of a qualifying:

  • Terminal Illness
  • Chronic Illness
  • Critical Illness
  • Critical Injury

This will help me and my family maintain our lifestyle.

Who needs life insurance?

  • Life insurance protects your family by replacing income in the event of your untimely death. Some policies also accumulate cash and pay distributions during your lifetime.
  • Families (including single-parent households) generally need life insurance. The younger the children, the greater the need for life insurance.
  • In most cases, you only need life insurance if someone is dependent on you.

Who does not need life insurance?

  • Single people, unless they are single parents or are supporting someone, such as an elderly parent.
  • Working couples who have no children or dependent parents, particularly if the surviving spouse earns enough money to pay bills and debts without depleting their savings.
  • Older people who have children who are grown and independent. A well-planned savings program should lessen the need for a family to have life insurance as income earners approach retirement age.

Plan documents

  • (I.U.L.) Indexed Universal Life

    • F&G Pathsetter is fixed index universal life insurance that offers flexible protection, solid accumulation potential and withdrawals.

    • Savings and investment options tied to:

      • One fixed-interest option (we set the rate annually).

      • Various options tied to market indexes: Barclays Trailblazer Sectors 5 and S&P 500

      • The fixed rate and interest crediting options are guaranteed to be no less than 0.25%.

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